I've a feeling I wont be coming down from this,

I was searching through the heavens and somehow I slipped,

I feel, I'm seeing so clear

Trying to forget tomorrow and all that's happened.

This is not the way, the way I meant to be.

I feel, I'm seeing so clear,

while - enquanto
trust - confiar em
loyalty - fidelidade
tomorrow - amanhã
going - indo
gonna - vai
forget - esqueço
happened - aconteceu
clear - claro
misplaced - mal colocado
trying - tentando
feeling - sentindo-me
crack - crack
heavens - céus
meant - significava
never - nunca
coming - chegando
searching - procurando
slipped - escorregou
seeing - vendo
slipping - deslizamento
somehow - de alguma forma
stabbed - esfaqueado
think - pensar
thought - pensamento
through - através

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