The fragments of connection died

Some things just won't fade with time

Hide behind a transparent eye

You can't see me but I can you...

Betray withouta moment's thought

Regret nothing but getting caught

Your time has come and here I stand

Why should I hold out my hand to you...

twist - torção
transparent - transparente
thought - pensamento
things - coisas
sunken - afundado
worst - pior
sinking - afundando
silenced - silenciado
shroud - mortalha
should - devemos
saved - salvou
regret - arrepender
nothing - nada
tried - tentou
night - noite
fucking - fodendo
bound - limite
caught - apanhado
drained - drenado
getting - obtendo
confront - enfrentar
could - poderia
drown - afogar
slipping - deslizamento
betray - trair
behind - atrás
connection - conexão
blind - cego
crazed - louco
again - novamente
empty - vazio
never - nunca
enemy - inimigo
stand - ficar de pé
fragments - fragmentos
mirror - espelho
black - preto
going - indo
knife - faca

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