Pale purple nipples

Goose pimpled

She shivers shifts from a walk to a trot

Alone in the city

Infested with faces

Immune to new friendships

Interested in places she's never seen

She says everything is grey here

And nothing is green

The girls from down the street

Sixteen, seventeen years old

You can smell them getting pregnant

You can hear their rock and roll

That's America

You have to be tough

Like a glad trash bag

The government's an old nag

With a good pedigree

But pedigree's don't help you and me

I see the precedent is grey here

And nothing is green

Unless something unforeseen happens

I'm surrounded by the haves

unforeseen - imprevisível
understand - compreendo
think - pensar
those - essa
their - deles
surrounded - cercado
street - rua
still - ainda
smell - cheiro
shivers - arrepios
shifts - turnos
haves - tem
holes - buracos
happens - acontece
regretting - lamentando
green - verde
trash - lixo
girls - meninas
getting - obtendo
goose - Ganso
interested - interessado
distract - distrair
purple - roxa
human - humano
things - coisas
people - pessoas
america - América
about - sobre
unless - a menos que
otherwise - de outra forma
anybody - qualquer pessoa
something - alguma coisa
conception - concepção
nipples - mamilos
anything - qualquer coisa
faces - rostos
playing - jogando
everything - tudo
every - cada
defined - definiram
because - porque
except - exceto
sixteen - dezesseis
nothing - nada
being - ser
immune - imune
friendships - amizades
important - importante
roles - papéis
infested - infestado
looking - olhando
seventeen - dezessete
pedigree - pedigree
never - nunca
nobody - ninguém
tough - resistente
advantage - vantagem
places - locais
offered - oferecido
years - anos
outfits - roupas
alone - sozinho
precedent - precedente
pregnant - grávida
rejecting - rejeitando

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