Is it just me who think this world?

Is it little bit too strange?

Is it just me who thinks this world?

Is way out of range?

What do you want to do?

Don't you want to change this reality? right.

Don't stand there gaping.

You've absolutely no use for them, find a way.

Can't you imagine you're in the depth of desire?

No you can't. Believe in your heart and your vision

Ready! Knock down the rival! This is your chance now!

yourself - você mesmo
young - jovem
world - mundo
vision - visão
there - há
think - pensar
something - alguma coisa
stand - ficar de pé
right - certo
reality - realidade
ready - pronto
strange - estranho
perfect - perfeito
strength - força
humans - humanos
gaping - boquiaberta
break - pausa
imagine - imagine
change - mudança
never - nunca
shake - mexe
depth - profundidade
knock - batida
chance - chance
catch - pegar
nobody - ninguém
absolutely - absolutamente
believe - acreditam
thinks - acha
rival - rival
behave - comporte-se
little - pequeno
understand - compreendo
better - melhor
desire - desejo
heart - coração
dreams - sonhos
straight - direto
chain - cadeia
fight - luta
range - alcance
meant - significava

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