I think it's time we talk, say everything
I know a secret that your eyes won't keep
That you're the author of a tragedy
So tell me how it ends
You have a stubborn heart I can't persuade
I'll say three words you won't reciprocate
I know you want to, I know you used to
But you just don't love me
And I won't let you waste everything you are on me
I know that all you love about me is who I used to be
And made of hostage hearts and patchwork love
Seems unavoidable, it came undone
I'm sorry all of me was not enough
I know it never was
words - palavras
winter - inverno
unavoidable - inevitável
tragedy - tragédia
through - através
three - três
think - pensar
tearful - choroso
spent - gasto
undone - desfeito
sorry - desculpa
seems - parece
secret - segredo
request - pedido
starts - começa
apathy - apatia
enough - suficiente
reciprocate - retribuir
persuade - persuadir
regret - arrepender
changed - mudou
years - anos
blame - culpa
about - sobre
stubborn - teimoso
sleeping - dormindo
memories - recordações
night - noite
every - cada
beating - espancamento
cause - causa
author - autor
heart - coração
yourself - você mesmo
everything - tudo
feels - sente
forget - esqueço
sinking - afundando
hearts - corações
never - nunca
waste - desperdício
spring - primavera
before - antes
hostage - refém
nothing - nada
patchwork - miscelânea
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