Just when I think it's getting better,

I relapse back to this place

where the scenery has changed,

now it's terrifying

How can I go back when it's much too late?

Piece by piece, bit by bit

My heart aches and I feel sick

There are things you say and things you can't,

things you threw away and things you want back

The fact that I've lost you, erases all my sanity

Seriously, how could anyone carry on like this?

I'll never look at things the same because of you

And I'll never get that moment back I shared with you

It only hurts when I remember

where - onde
voice - voz
trying - tentando
memories - recordações
things - coisas
without - sem
think - pensar
hurts - Dói
guiding - guiando
steer - dirigir
breaks - rompe
aches - dores
always - sempre
drowning - afogamento
tried - tentou
heart - coração
moment - momento
getting - obtendo
better - melhor
scenery - cenário
carry - levar
nightmares - pesadelos
goodbye - tchau
changed - mudou
anyone - alguém
because - porque
shore - costa
never - nunca
these - estes
anymore - não mais
piece - peça
endless - sem fim
place - lugar, colocar
relapse - recaída
shared - compartilhado
nights - noites
through - através
compromise - compromisso
cycle - ciclo
seriously - a sério
light - luz
sleepless - sem dormir
yourself - você mesmo
terrifying - aterrorizante
there - há
remember - lembrar
repeats - repete
thoughts - pensamentos
sanity - sanidade
could - poderia
threw - jogou

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