Somehow it feels I'm getting more frustrated

With every tongue tied, wild eyed, overrated

Narcissistic, self absorbed spawn of a generation bored

Want to see you vulnerable, I am not your equal

Ruling with an iron fist, and you are on my bad list

A routine casualty

Razor sharp beauty queens

Bridges built are bridges burned

You will get what you deserve


What did they do,

vulnerable - vulnerável
tongue - língua
think - pensar
things - coisas
stupid - estúpido
spawn - gerar
routine - rotina
razor - navalha
queens - rainhas
plastic - plástico
overrated - superestimado
overbearing - arrogante
obsessed - obcecado
narcissistic - narcisista
built - construído
somehow - de alguma forma
getting - obtendo
bridges - pontes
casualty - acidente
missed - perdido
misogynistic - misógino
hearts - corações
caring - cuidando
awful - horrível
absorbed - absorvido
generation - geração
chorus - coro
learn - aprender
sharp - afiado
bored - entediado
beauty - beleza
equal - igual
deserve - merecer
every - cada
burned - queimou
feels - sente
frustrated - frustrado
ruling - decisão
apart - separados
mindless - sem sentido

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