Spit it out, it tastes unfamiliar

Bite your tongue, before she shuts you up

What can you do now

when she wants you to fall down

She'll do the same again

No more girl next door

Actions with no remorse

Burned up and marked for death

She's watching you as you hold your breath

Blink and blink again

warranty - garantia
unfamiliar - desconhecido
watching - assistindo
unfazed - imperturbável
think - pensar
starts - começa
satisfaction - satisfação
remorse - remorso
reaction - reação
before - antes
burned - queimou
bullets - balas
within - dentro
effects - efeitos
forget - esqueço
breath - respiração
wants - quer
friend - amigos
blink - piscar
today - hoje
bullet - bala
tight - justa
actions - ações
tastes - gostos
again - novamente
another - outro
marked - marcado
chorus - coro
death - morte
hearts - corações
petty - mesquinho
tongue - língua
break - pausa
conquest - conquista
defect - defeito
shuts - fecha
enemy - inimigo
heart - coração

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