Once I was happy in happy extremes

These bitter tokens are worthless to me

So you appear and say how I've grown

Fill me up with faces I've known

In this light they're far from divine

I'll save them up and spend them when I have time

The salted taste of all your tears and woes

Sent me in haste my melancholy rose

Those tasteless lips were closed

You watched me come, you'll see me go

Once I was happy in happy extremes

Packing my bags for the path of the free

From pillar to post I am driven it seems

watched - assisti
tokens - tokens
these - estes
worthless - inútil
tears - lágrimas
spend - gastar
shame - vergonha
pillar - pilar
loved - amado
looked - olhou
curtains - cortinas
packing - embalagem
bitter - amargo
grown - crescido
seems - parece
cross - cruz
could - poderia
salted - salgado
appear - aparecer
before - antes
light - luz
closed - fechadas
tasteless - insípido
extremes - extremos
faces - rostos
those - essa
divine - divino
driven - dirigido
fingers - dedos
flames - chamas
found - encontrado
sighs - suspiros
ghost - fantasma
everything - tudo
learn - aprender
melancholy - melancólico
happy - feliz
taste - gosto
haste - pressa
heard - ouviu
known - conhecido

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