Silver shone the rooftops, I heard the words 'you will'

And realized that in your eyes, the force of love could kill

So go and get your wages, get what you deserve

When hope held out of it's hands today, you laughed and turned and fled

Release, 'cause I wanted the world, and all I could get to

Was a gun or a girl

Release, now I've thrown them away

I'm here and I'm hungry and I hope I can stay

words - palavras
where - onde
water - agua
watched - assisti
turned - virou
wanted - procurado
magic - magia
light - luz
leaving - deixando
hands - mãos
bread - pão
keats - keats
hungry - com fome
laughed - riu
because - porque
release - lançamento
waits - espera
anyone - alguém
decide - decidir
could - poderia
bottle - garrafa
wages - salários
force - força
heard - ouviu
forced - forçado
deserve - merecer
dollars - dólares
merchants - comerciantes
world - mundo
souvenir - lembrança
overflowing - transbordante
palace - palácio
tonight - esta noite
place - lugar, colocar
plenty - abundância
gates - portões
realized - percebi
remember - lembrar
rooftops - telhados
fistful - punhado
shone - brilhava
silver - prata
standing - parado
summon - convocar
overdosed - overdose
smashed - esmagado
souvenirs - recordações
squandered - desperdiçado
stole - roubou
storm - tempestade
boots - chuteiras
streets - ruas
thrown - jogado
better - melhor
today - hoje

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