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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Surabaya Johnny - Bette Midler

Surabaya Johnny - Bette Midler

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

I was young, I was just sixteen then,

when you came up from Burma one day.

And you told me to pack up my suitcase,

and I did, and you took me away.

I said, "Do you work nice and steady,

or do you go sailing and roving out to sea?"

And you said, "I have a job on the railroad,

and baby, how swell it's all gonna be."

You said a lot, Johnny. It was all lies.

You sure had me fooled, right from the start.

I hate you when you laugh at me like that.

Take that pipe out of your mouth, Johnny.

Surabaya Johnny. Is it really the end?

Surabaya Johnny. Will the hurt ever mend?

Surabaya Johnny. Ooh, I burn at your touch.

You got no heart, Johnny, but oh, I love you so much.

Oh, at first you were kind and gentle,

'til I packed up and went off with you.

And it lasted two weeks until one day

you laughed at me and hit me too.