Urban Hipster, the new gangster... frontin' by the club
New wave mannequins packin' haircuts, instead of packin' guns
Magazines form overseas, won't teach you how to feel
They trade in their hearts for indie rock charts to tell them what is real
When did they assume... putting on a costume?
Gave them a right to... ostracize
Out of the woodwork... art aficionados
Answer one question...
Where is the line? Where is the line?
Between your fashion and your mind
Where is the line? Where is the line?
'Cause some of us aren't blind!
Where is the line? Where is the line?
To be yourself is not a crime
yourself - você mesmo
woodwork - madeira
without - sem
where - onde
urban - urbano
indie - indie
gangster - gangster
forgotten - esquecido
smile - sorrir
costume - traje
question - questão
haircuts - cortes de cabelo
aficionados - aficionados
alone - sozinho
trade - comércio
blind - cego
fashion - moda
about - sobre
answer - responda
between - entre
thing - coisa
conformity - conformidade
bored - entediado
mannequins - manequins
charts - gráficos
assume - assumir
truth - verdade
bites - picadas
acting - agindo
instead - em vez de
local - local
magazines - revistas
hearts - corações
teach - ensinar
ostracize - ostracize
hipster - hipster
street - rua
trends - tendências
overseas - no exterior
pretending - fingindo
store - loja
dressing - vestir
record - registro
crime - crime
putting - colocando
right - certo
sells - vende
sting - picada
their - deles
today - hoje
tomorrow - amanhã
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