I am a sapless sapling,

I’m a dead body faking life

Being alone in the species

I lap the bane that time’s offering me

Once you’ve learnt to fly, but now

come learn to crawl in the mud

You long for caresses,

Blow the candles out,

Confide your secrets to the night,

Sins aren’t enough to die

He showed me the truth:

Fathers enjoy drinking wine of

Vices, and their children burn in hell…


Oh how easy it’s to

vices - vícios
under - sob
truth - verdade
tired - cansado
stars - estrelas
species - espécies
without - sem
sparks - faíscas
showed - mostrou
shining - brilhando
sheep - ovelha
their - deles
enjoy - apreciar
secrets - segredos
called - chamado
confide - confiar
crawl - rastejar
night - noite
downward - para baixo
light - luz
defiled - profanado
damnation - condenação
child - criança
faking - fingindo
astray - desviado
trills - trilhos
there - há
nemesis - Nêmesis
redemption - redenção
angels - anjos
children - crianças
alone - sozinho
hooking - enganchando
among - entre
drinking - bebendo
candles - velas
curse - maldição
coldest - mais frio
enough - suficiente
blood - sangue
bright - brilhante
offering - oferta
being - ser
nothing - nada
fathers - pais
flood - inundar
greet - cumprimentar
heart - coração
learn - aprender
learnt - aprendido
purple - roxa
shepherd - pastor
legion - legião
slake - slake
moribund - moribundo
world - mundo
bless - abençoe
sapling - rebento
hungry - com fome
looking - olhando
pours - derrama
caresses - carícias
sapless - sapless

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