In the presence of another world
You guess the things unguessed
In the fullness of another world
There is no emptiness
In the promise of another world
A dreadful knowledge comes
How even space can modulate
And earthly things be done
Your master he's a monster
He will come on a bridge of paper
Inscribed with a hundred names of God
But he can count one more
The curse of life eternal
Written on the door
Your master.....he's a monster
Your master.....he's a monster
Your master.....he's a monster
written - escrito
world - mundo
things - coisas
gentlemanly - cavalheiresca
alpha - alfa
eternal - eterno
emptiness - vazio
hundred - cem
there - há
double - duplo
diviner - adivinho
milky - leitoso
curse - maldição
another - outro
bridge - ponte
locks - fechaduras
peaks - picos
guess - acho
fullness - plenitude
dominion - domínio
paper - papel
abyss - abismo
pieces - peças
animals - animais
behind - atrás
black - preto
count - contagem
walks - anda em
infinity - infinidade
inscribed - inscrito
omega - ómega
instruments - instrumentos
dreadful - terrível
knowledge - conhecimento
labor - trabalho
master - mestre
right - certo
modulate - modular
monster - monstro
presence - presença
perfect - perfeito
names - nomes
comes - vem
buried - enterrado
promise - promessa
years - anos
seven - sete
inclines - inclina-se
space - espaço
earthly - terrestre
stars - estrelas
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