Cornwall and the harbor
Where witches went mad more than once and
Until this day
In dreams at least
The lighthouse at Lost Christabel
Squat and hugely tilts
Upon the strand where Grandad's house was built
And having stood the test of time
The starry gale the bloody tide
Grandad's house though gaped with hooks
And filled with books
Could stand no more until
A certain prophecy
Once read - now stood
Before the world fulfilled
Now of these books in Grandad's keep
Some of them were new but mostly they were old
And the oldest was a scroll
A prophecy that read
When the riddle begins
The story will end
August the First 1892
And in the guise of destiny
Grandad quit Cornwall
"I'm a captain of a ship
My ship is charmed, and called Plutonia."
Stories on land, storms at sea
'Tween 1892 and '93
When Grandad sailed for Mexico
Ships charmed and ordinary
Sailed the glidepath to the sun
And when the sun proved false
would - seria
world - mundo
witches - bruxas
granddaughter - neta
light - luz
lighthouse - farol
fulfilled - realizada
harbor - porto
found - encontrado
stuff - coisa
taken - ocupado
tears - lágrimas
floors - pisos
proved - provado
charmed - encantado
false - falso
early - cedo
grown - crescido
dwell - morar
through - através
within - dentro
hugely - enormemente
night - noite
filled - preenchidas
plutonia - plutonia
crime - crime
could - poderia
sailed - navegou
snare - laço
blast - explosão
gaped - boquiaberta
mirror - espelho
destiny - destino
behind - atrás
broken - partido
birthday - aniversário
jungle - selva
mexico - México
before - antes
accompanied - acompanhado
smiles - sorrisos
tables - tabelas
storms - tempestades
ground - chão
foreign - estrangeiro
warped - distorcido
closed - fechadas
mostly - na maioria das vezes
grandad - vovô
cornwall - Cornualha
bloody - sangrento
crystal - cristal
these - estes
realize - perceber
books - livros
surprise - surpresa
certain - certo
august - Agosto
rafters - vigas
always - sempre
built - construído
again - novamente
called - chamado
oldest - mais velho
strand - vertente
captain - capitão
collapse - colapso
celebrate - comemoro
rockers - rockers
having - tendo
hooks - ganchos
illusion - ilusão
riddle - enigma
begins - começa
least - pelo menos
magna - magna
chamber - câmara
ordinary - comum
dreams - sonhos
prophecy - profecia
familiar - familiar
proves - prova
tilts - inclina-se
scroll - rolagem
seems - parece
domain - domínio
ships - navios
guise - disfarce
sight - vista
squat - agachamento
stand - ficar de pé
where - onde
starry - estrelado
first - primeiro
story - história
stood - ficou
house - casa
stories - histórias
though - apesar
begun - começou
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