"When the bones of our oppressors have turned to dust;
And the cause that we serve rules the world.
In a vision, visitation, all hail the revolution!"
A vision of evo-, revolution.
Armies of the past retreat in the wake of revolution.
A journey to the country of the fourth admission,
A spectacle of awakening light.
The soldiers are baffled but still they fight.
Creator; destroyer; victory; defeat;
I did not come to bring a sleep.
truth - verdade
spectacle - espetáculo
space - espaço
turned - virou
sleep - dormir
world - mundo
rules - regras
light - luz
soldiers - soldados
judgement - julgamento
itself - em si
cause - causa
still - ainda
bones - ossos
called - chamado
black - preto
admission - admissão
serve - servir
purge - purga
journey - viagem
bring - trazer
revolution - revolução
armies - exércitos
visitation - visitação
modest - modesto
creator - o criador
after - depois de
imprisoned - preso
baffled - desconcertado
retreat - retiro
comes - vem
country - país
defeat - derrota
energy - energia
oppressors - opressores
future - futuro
descends - desce
fight - luta
victory - vitória
destroyer - destruidor
awakening - despertar
fourth - quarto
vision - visão
instrumental - instrumental
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