I don't know if all Boy Scouts are gays

They could probably tie the knot in, like, fifty different ways

I got a safe full o' cherries, 'cause I pop it and lock it,

A girl's like a fridge, once a week, you should stock it.

Girl, if you're into rimmin', it's only safe if you're swimmin',

But, girl, don't sit on that couch 'cause I treat my objects like women.

I spit fire like I just blew a demon,

My shit's so hot, I'll leave your toilet bowl steamin'.

I'm gonna tear it [tarot], like the cards of the gypsies,

You'll bleed for so long you'll get monthly ellipses.

If your pants are loose, I'll replete ya.

You're a first time vegan and it's nice to meet [meat] ya.

I'm Bo, yo,

And I'm the greatest rapper ever,

And I'll weather your weather whether you think I'm clever or not,

Think you're better, you're not,

Don't need a sweater, I'm hot,

I'm a real G-shawty that can really find your G-spot.

Woah, yeah...

...Hey, what the fuck's a G-spot?

Go to a vagina orchard, count one, two, three.

Spin that plant around you got a third-world country [cunt-tree].

That's right, consider yourself warned,

I'm offensive and creative like handicapped porn.

You're playing with your breasts, excuse me, can I try it ma'am?

You're pushin' 'em together like a titty venn diagram.

Look at that crack, excuse me can I buy a gram?

Right below your diaphragm,

Ass looks like you're hidin' ham.

First base, we're making out.

Second base, I'm getting faked out.

Said, third base, I'm getting take out.

And I'd try to take it home if I knew I'd take it out,

But I just don't know, I said I just don't care,

yourself - você mesmo
write - escreva
world - mundo
women - mulheres
weather - clima
warned - avisou
vegan - vegano
treat - tratar
together - juntos
thought - pensamento
third - terceiro
think - pensar
tampon - tampão
talking - falando
taking - levando
swings - balanços
sweater - suéter
straight - direto
stock - estoque
skeet - skeet
sings - canta
smell - cheiro
should - devemos
shame - vergonha
orchard - pomar
diagram - diagrama
better - melhor
second - segundo
making - fazer
general - geral
faked - falsificado
demon - demônio
right - certo
creative - criativo
african - africano
people - pessoas
fifty - cinquenta
shawty - shawty
excuse - desculpa
ellipses - elipses
bleed - sangrar
would - seria
pants - calça
scouts - escoteiros
fridge - geladeira
tarot - tarô
spell - soletrar
direction - direção
crack - crack
count - contagem
between - entre
tingle - formigar
child - criança
closet - armário de roupa
getting - obtendo
diaphragm - diafragma
homey - caseiro
because - porque
around - por aí
below - abaixo
couch - sofá
mormon - mórmon
epileptic - epiléptico
first - primeiro
friend - amigos
asian - asiático
breasts - peitos
large - ampla
cherries - cerejas
across - através
cause - causa
toilet - banheiro
country - país
clever - esperto
whenever - sempre que
beach - de praia
circumcised - circuncidado
basement - porão
gonna - vai
cards - cartões
consider - considerar
could - poderia
sects - seitas
looks - parece
gotten - obtido
greatest - maior
cream - creme
jerkin - jerkin
handicapped - deficientes
gypsies - ciganos
haters - odiadores
homophobic - homofóbico
respect - respeito
provided - forneceu
inadequate - inadequado
three - três
filled - preenchidas
inverse - inverso
relationship - relação
laborer - trabalhador

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