Everytime I go to dinner

it seems like I'm getting a little bit thinner

I'll sit down at the breakfast table

I can talk; they're not able

When I look at them I find

there's a single question on their mind.

I wish it could go back to the way it was

its not easy now because...

My whole family thinks I'm gay

I guess it's always been that way.

Maybe its cause of the way that I walk,

that makes them think that I like...boys

That I like boys

The goddamn question just wont go away

and I get asked every single day

but the way they ask it is not a disguise,

like "How was your day? Do you like to kiss guys?" (That's...funny)

whole - todo
trust - confiar em
thought - pensamento
thinner - mais fino
thinks - acha
think - pensar
worst - pior
suspects - suspeita
strike - greve
spongebob - Bob Esponja
their - deles
single - solteiro
locked - trancado
elway - elway
every - cada
because - porque
elton - elton
straight - direto
motherfucker - filho da puta
dinner - jantar
glory - glória
seems - parece
count - contagem
color - cor
losing - perdendo
closet - armário de roupa
asked - perguntei
goddamn - maldito
disguise - disfarce
bible - bíblia
maybe - talvez
could - poderia
people - pessoas
makes - faz com que
boyfriend - namorado
favorite - favorito
effects - efeitos
queer - estranho
anyway - de qualquer forma
cause - causa
counterproductive - contraproducente
watching - assistindo
afraid - receoso
breakfast - café da manhã
question - questão
always - sempre
everytime - toda vez
funny - engraçado
table - mesa
rainbow - arco iris
right - certo
through - através
little - pequeno
family - família
shocked - chocado
getting - obtendo
crystal - cristal
gotta - tenho que
guess - acho
clear - claro
opinions - opiniões
phase - estágio
probably - provavelmente

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