As by the door to get to Heaven

Seven trumpets big and bright

You hear it coming in the middle of the night

A caution to the children

Time to turn your crimson white

We’ve all got reservations

Trials will come suddenly

And without explanation

But you were born with goodness

You were born with goodness

Wherever you go now

I’m right behind you

In the light of hope

I’ll be beside you

wicked - perverso
winds - ventos
suddenly - de repente
stone - pedra
sinking - afundando
right - certo
reservations - reservas
quicksand - плывун
children - crianças
blind - cego
breaking - quebra
explanation - explicação
bright - brilhante
break - pausa
trumpets - trombetas
trials - ensaios
alright - bem
caution - cuidado
seven - sete
goodness - bondade
light - luz
accepts - aceita
white - branco
beside - ao lado
wherever - onde quer que
coming - chegando
expects - espera
grace - graça
without - sem
might - poderia
cling - aderir
touch - tocar
reasons - razões
crimson - carmesim
behind - atrás
dusty - empoeirado
middle - meio
night - noite
heaven - céu

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