You woke up in the rusted frame

Burned out old Deville

Your legs are shot and they're flushed with pain

But you can't keep them still

The sun sets and you're afraid

Of the itching in your skin

You stumble down the boulevard

Of neon encrusted temples

You're looking for the grace of God

In the arms of a fellow stranger

Disciples hand you catalogues of concubines

As you stumble down the boulevard crying "Hosanna"

Welcome to fabulous

Welcome to fabulous

woman - Mulher
house - casa
harlots - prostitutas
girls - meninas
dreamers - sonhadores
frame - quadro, armação
encrusted - incrustado
rusted - enferrujado
sunsets - pôr do sol
flushed - corado
still - ainda
fellow - companheiro
remember - lembrar
shade - sombra
disciples - discípulos
dream - sonhe
always - sempre
ceiling - teto
burned - queimou
stranger - desconhecido
cocaine - cocaína
welcome - bem vinda
black - preto
cameras - câmeras
afraid - receoso
grace - graça
fabulous - fabuloso
concubines - concubinas
provide - providenciar
seven - sete
crying - chorando
hundred - cem
where - onde
itching - comichão
knees - joelhos
lights - luzes
playing - jogando
little - pequeno
looking - olhando
nobody - ninguém
place - lugar, colocar
stumble - tropeçar
temples - templos
tennessee - Tennessee
boulevard - avenida
tonight - esta noite
vegas - vegas

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