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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Before The Goodbye - Britney Spears

Before The Goodbye - Britney Spears

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Laying here in your arms

And you hold me tight, tight

Tryin' not to watch the clock

Tick, Tickin' as the time goes by (by)

And I know that you best be on your way

But I'm wishin' I could make you stay

Stay with me for a while


You're near


I wanna make it clear


I will always be around

You're leaving

I'm waiting

Forgive me

I'm always missing you

Before the goodbye

I feel it


Forgive me

I'm always missing you

Before the goodbye

Kinda hard for me to let you know

I don't let my feelings show

How much I will miss in you

All the little things that make me weak

Your eyes and the way you speak

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