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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Chillin´ With You ft. Jamie Lynn Spears - Britney Spears

Chillin´ With You ft. Jamie Lynn Spears - Britney Spears

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar


You, you, you...


I loved so much that I cried

I danced so much til I was tired

I drank some red wine and now I'm walking on the sky

I had the time of my life

And you know, I, I, I

I'm feeling alright

'Cause I don't got to worry 'bout a thing

And you know, I, I, I

I'm feeling alright

'Cause I don't got to worry 'bout a thing

When I'm with you

I'm chillin', I'm chillin'

When I'm with you

I'm chillin', I'm chillin'

When I'm with you

I'm chillin', I'm chillin'

When I'm with you

I'm chillin', I'm chillin'

I'm chill


I sang so loud that I smiled

I made it worth my while

I drank some white wine

Now I'm walking on

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