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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Inside Out - Britney Spears

Inside Out - Britney Spears

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Said youre gonna be here in a minute

Sitting in the mirror getting pretty

Gotta look my best if were gonna break up

Gotta look my best if were gonna break up

I can hear you knocking at the front door

And I know exactly what u came for

Trying to say goodbye but its hot and heavy

Trying to say goodbye but its hot and heavy

You touch me and its breaking me down

Im telling you lets just give it up and get down


So come on wont you give me something to remember?

Baby shut your mouth and turn me inside out

Even though we couldnt last forever, baby

You know what I want right now

Hit me one more time its so amazing

How you shook my world and flipped it upside down

Youre the only one who ever drove me crazy

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