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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Work Bitch - Britney Spears

Work Bitch - Britney Spears

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

You wanna, you wanna

You want a hot body?

You want a Bugatti?

You want a Maserati?

You better work bitch

You want a Lamborghini?

Sippin martinis?

Look hot in a bikini?

You better work bitch

You wanna live fancy?

Live in a big mansion?

Party in France?

You better work bitch

You better work bitch

You better work bitch

You better work bitch

Now get to work bitch! (Awww oooh)

Now get to work bitch! (Awww ooh)

Bring it on, ring the alarm

Don't stop now, just be the champion

Work it hard, like it's your profession

Watch out now, cause here it comes

Here comes the smasher

here comes the master

Here comes the big beat

Big beat, disaster

No time to quit now, just time to get it now

Pick up what I'm putting down

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