Just when I thought I had it figured out

Just when I thought I had the answers

You came along so full of promises

Full of grace and second chances

For awhile I tried to shut it out

For awhile I tried to fight it

But now I see that there just ain't no use

There ain't no reason to deny it

world - mundo
wonder - maravilha
wherever - onde quer que
under - sob
tried - tentou
through - através
thought - pensamento
there - há
shaped - em forma
second - segundo
explain - explicar
feelings - sentimentos
magic - magia
fight - luta
mysteries - mistérios
along - ao longo
chances - chances
constantly - constantemente
amazed - espantado
healing - cura
answers - responde
everytime - toda vez
awhile - um tempo
figured - figurado
spell - soletrar
heart - coração
moves - se move
mysterious - misterioso
never - nunca
holding - segurando
grace - graça
promises - promessas
reason - razão

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