Who's that stomping all over my face

Where's that silhouette I'm trying to trace

Who's putting sponge in the bells I once rung

And taking my gypsy before she's begun

To singing in the meaning of what's in my mind

Before I can take home what's rightfully mine

Joinin' and listenin' and talkin' in rhymes

Stoppin' the feeling to wait for the times

Who's saying baby, that don't mean a thing

'Cause nowadays Clancy can't even sing

wrong - errado
worry - preocupação
wanted - procurado
trying - tentando
gypsy - cigano
happiness - felicidade
floor - chão
singing - cantando
corner - canto
damned - condenado
coming - chegando
alive - vivo
claim - afirmação
before - antes
crack - crack
meaning - significado
quite - bastante
counting - contando
blind - cego
between - entre
seeing - vendo
thing - coisa
black - preto
green - verde
bells - sinos
sponge - esponja
bother - incomodar
begun - começou
clancy - clancy
writing - escrevendo
looking - olhando
trace - vestígio
saying - dizendo
nowadays - hoje em dia
paper - papel
rightfully - com justiça
times - vezes
nugget - pepita
rings - argolas
stomping - pisoteando
pencil - lápis
should - devemos
feeling - sentindo-me
putting - colocando
rhymes - rimas
there - há
score - ponto
through - através
silhouette - silhueta
though - apesar
taking - levando

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