You take a deep gulp,

waiting for the fog in your mind

and you know,

that you better change something.

Reality starts to fade,

but it'll last just for a while.

You know that you're falling,

lost again.

You feel that you're falling,

hitting the ground.

Your knees start to shake,

when you think of what you'll do

and there's no return.

They trained everyone,

but the thought about the jump,

wrecked - naufragado
while - enquanto
thought - pensamento
sweat - suor
start - começar
return - retorna
reality - realidade
plane - avião
people - pessoas
struggle - luta
about - sobre
everyone - todos
comes - vem
waiting - esperando
trained - treinado
change - mudança
higher - superior
never - nunca
again - novamente
better - melhor
starts - começa
shake - mexe
hitting - batendo
knees - joelhos
falling - queda
climb - escalar
giving - dando
green - verde
dream - sonhe
helping - ajudando
moment - momento
leaves - sai
think - pensar
something - alguma coisa
alone - sozinho
ground - chão
light - luz
lifetime - tempo de vida

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