Lost forever

A whole generation of pathetic lost souls

With no meaning no depth

They're already dead, before it gets old

Anonymous, blank

No individuality, uniformed

A wholesale

Blanket identity, from the day that they're born

- Another generation to mourn

What choice for a new generation?

Another generation under sedation

Flocking like sheep

The instinctual herd, as fashion dictates

Primitively seduced

Commonly reduced, resigned to their fate

Another useless

Faceless degeneration

Like the one which precedes


wasted - desperdiçado
useless - sem utilidade
trapped - preso
together - juntos
there - há
their - deles
suppressed - suprimido
still - ainda
which - qual
flocking - çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
hexed - hexed
under - sob
misinformed - desinformado
wholesale - atacado
fashion - moda
souls - almas
faceless - sem rosto
forever - para sempre
existence - existência
generation - geração
commonly - comumente
acknowledging - reconhecendo
entity - entidade
degeneration - degeneração
identity - identidade
never - nunca
choice - escolha
vexed - vexado
another - outro
anonymous - anônimo
oppressed - oprimido
seduced - seduzido
resigned - resignado
bleak - sombrio
breaking - quebra
before - antes
dictates - dita
mourn - chorar
blanket - cobertor
blinkered - piscou
blank - em branco
individuality - individualidade
mould - mofo
meaning - significado
pathetic - patético
already - já
pattern - padronizar
scorn - desprezo
precedes - precede
instinctual - instintivo
primitively - primitivamente
uniformed - uniformizado
depth - profundidade
reduced - reduzido
sedation - sedação
seeds - sementes
whole - todo
sheep - ovelha
knees - joelhos
spent - gasto

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