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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Popular - Cher Lloyd

Popular - Cher Lloyd

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar



[Verse 1]

Go ahead girl, post that pic

Show a little more every time they click

Get 'em hooked down, reel 'em in

Cause they love that skin

You so famous, wish I was

Loving your honey like bees they buzz

Gotta work out, you the biz

You even fuckin' with Wiz


Oo-ooh, one look and they're gonna fall in love with you

Oo-ooh, yeah you're the queen of hearts until there's someone new


Go ahead and shake that ass

Cause you know they like it

Go ahead and do your dares

Cause you know they'll buy it

When you're losing followers

I'll still think you're popular, yeah, oh oh oh

Go ahead and shake that ass

Cause you know they like it

Go ahead and do your dares

Cause you know they'll buy it

When you're losing followers

I'll still think you're popular, yeah, oh oh oh

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