She's just a secretary
At a small recording firm
When it comes to music
There ain't nothing she can't learn
And everything she lives and breathes
Is written on an album sleeve
She can tell you who's hot
Who will make it and who will not
She loves to hear the music
She's got every lyric down
She loves to hear them say
She's got the greatest ears in town
Hangs around a studio
Ain't a rock star she don't know
Sometimes they take her home
But she always wakes up alone
Men that want to marry her
Never satisfied
written - escrito
world - mundo
leave - sair
unstrung - destrancado
there - há
hangs - trava
greatest - maior
everything - tudo
every - cada
marry - casar
keeps - mantém
hears - ouve
lives - vidas
destroyed - destruído
learn - aprender
sometimes - as vezes
anyway - de qualquer forma
become - tornar-se
secretary - secretário
could - poderia
lyric - letra
always - sempre
comes - vem
night - noite
alone - sozinho
years - anos
around - por aí
album - álbum
small - pequeno
bands - bandas
radio - rádio
first - primeiro
played - reproduziu
breathes - respira
loves - o amor é
music - música
young - jovem
never - nunca
songs - músicas
nothing - nada
another - outro
place - lugar, colocar
recording - gravação
again - novamente
revive - reviver
satisfied - satisfeito
sleeve - manga
studio - estúdio
tightly - bem
wakes - acorda
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