When I see those big brown eyes is when I take my


It don't take me but a few minutes to get a

message through

I talked to you, and you talked to

me and we talked to one another

It don't take us

but a few minutes to understand each other

If I was twenty-three years old and you were


I bet no one would try to run our lives

the way they do

write - escreva
through - através
three - três
talked - falou
should - devemos
years - anos
romance - Romance
queue - fila
those - essa
maine - maine
stock - estoque
minutes - minutos
feeling - sentindo-me
message - mensagem
another - outro
mountains - montanhas
diego - diego
valleys - vales
become - tornar-se
brown - castanho
heart - coração
movie - filme
loved - amado
portland - Portland
chance - chance
twenty - vinte
guitar - violão
hollywood - hollywood
would - seria
understand - compreendo
forget - esqueço
lives - vidas
lonely - solitário
other - de outros
coming - chegando
pouring - derramando

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