She said that time is unfair

To a woman her age

Now that wisdom has come

Everything else fades

She said she realizes

She's seen her better days

She said she can't look back

To her days of youth

What she thought were lies

She later found was truth

She said her daddy had dreams

But he drank them away

And her mother's to blame

wishes - desejos
wisdom - sabedoria
unfair - injusto
today - hoje
survive - sobreviver
speak - falar
shall - deve
searching - procurando
realizes - percebe
strong - forte
fades - desaparece
better - melhor
youth - juventude
still - ainda
drank - bebia
river - rio
everything - tudo
daddy - papai
because - porque
thought - pensamento
blame - culpa
alone - sozinho
light - luz
truth - verdade
feeling - sentindo-me
comfort - conforto
forgive - perdoar
night - noite
quite - bastante
found - encontrado
dreams - sonhos
hates - odeia
woman - Mulher
known - conhecido
later - mais tarde
moments - momentos
prays - reza
these - estes
never - nunca

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