Are we wollin'? A one, a two, a free, a four...
A mother was washing her baby one night,
The youngest of ten and a delicate mite.
The mother was poor and the baby was thin,
'Twas naught but an skelingtin covered with skin.
The mother turned 'round for a soap off the rack.
She was only a moment but when she turned back
washing - lavando
washed - lavado
wanna - quero
before - antes
again - novamente
perfectly - perfeitamente
anguish - angústia
cried - chorou
delicate - delicado
replied - respondeu
youngest - mais jovens
moment - momento
skinny - magro
about - sobre
night - noite
above - acima
covered - coberto
angels - anjos
thing - coisa
happy - feliz
little - pequeno
mother - mãe
where - onde
naught - nada
turned - virou
anymore - não mais
should - devemos
thank - obrigado
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