Walking around I hear the earth seeking relief

I'm trying to find a reason to live

But the mindless clutter my path

Oh these thorns in my side

I know I have something free

I have something so alive

I think they shoot cause they want it

I feel forces all around me

Come on raise your head

Those who hide behind the shadows

Live with all that's dead

Look at me... look at me

At least look at me when you shoot a bullet through my head

touch - tocar
through - através
those - essa
think - pensar
something - alguma coisa
relief - alívio
reason - razão
someone - alguém
clutter - desordem
somewhere - algum lugar
shadows - sombras
cause - causa
thorns - espinhos
aloud - em voz alta
trying - tentando
forces - forças
behind - atrás
bullet - bala
raise - levantar
disgraced - desonrado
close - fechar
inside - dentro
walking - caminhando
again - novamente
alive - vivo
jealousy - ciúmes
these - estes
never - nunca
around - por aí
laugh - rir
place - lugar, colocar
earth - Terra
shoot - atirar
gotten - obtido
please - por favor
least - pelo menos
seeking - buscando
lifetime - tempo de vida
mindless - sem sentido

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