I want to turn on the lights

I want to keep your hopes alive

So where do I begin

To help you believe again

Makers of secret planes

Keepers of our last remains

Dream of a holy state

In a nightmare time

You know I meant it well

But who was it meant to help?

Even a child knows you don't waste it

A promise is only given once

And there is no doubt that changes have begun

Even a child knows that you can't fake it

As long as the world is waking up

You are free now to recover your heart

The stories left to write

write - escreva
wherever - onde quer que
where - onde
waste - desperdício
twice - duas vezes
there - há
stories - histórias
state - estado
everything - tudo
dangerous - perigoso
world - mundo
dream - sonhe
heard - ouviu
meant - significava
heart - coração
speakers - caixas de som
changes - alterar
thinking - pensando
child - criança
first - primeiro
message - mensagem
about - sobre
makers - fabricantes
afraid - receoso
again - novamente
doubt - dúvida
brave - bravo
begin - início
given - dado
someone - alguém
music - música
foreign - estrangeiro
hopes - esperanças
wailing - lamentando
breathe - respirar
present - presente
waking - acordando
alive - vivo
delivered - entregue
insight - discernimento
planes - aviões
justify - justificar
believe - acreditam
secret - segredo
keepers - guardiões
knows - sabe
lights - luzes
begun - começou
market - mercado
nothing - nada
place - lugar, colocar
always - sempre
recover - recuperar
prayer - oração
nightmare - pesadelo
promise - promessa
receive - receber
remains - permanece

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