Dull, dull grey
The colour of our times
Cool, cool space
That I still hope to find
Far beyond the veil
The sound of whispers and moans
Slow, time bomb
The clamour of the street
I hear this town
It never goes to sleep
And I will catch the taxi driver
Weeping like a wounded beast
Then I wake up in your room
To share one piece of your life
When tomorrow comes we may not be here at all
worth - que vale a pena
weight - peso
weeping - chorando
suspicion - suspeita
street - rua
without - sem
still - ainda
space - espaço
sleep - dormir
share - compartilhar
piece - peça
collectors - colecionadores
comes - vem
clamour - clamor
empires - impérios
tension - tensão
anything - qualquer coisa
erase - apagar
colour - cor
catch - pegar
sound - som
beast - fera
forgotten - esquecido
wounded - ferido
cleansed - limpo
lifetime - tempo de vida
whispers - sussurros
tomorrow - amanhã
beyond - além
wheels - rodas
heels - calcanhares
mirrors - espelhos
recognition - reconhecimento
carry - levar
other - de outros
driver - motorista
growing - crescendo
investments - investimentos
moans - gemidos
times - vezes
moment - momento
never - nunca
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