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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música No Such Thing - Dan + Shay

No Such Thing - Dan + Shay

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

Too many people in this bar

I can't hear myself think over the guitar

I can tell you wanna get out of here and disappear, don't ya, baby?

Too many lights on in the street

I can see the way that you're looking at me

And the way you're slipping off your Jimmy Choo's, like you wanted too since we got here

Now, we're driving down the highway, pulling in my place

Got your hand over my knee

Now that we're alone

I'm gonna let you know everything you mean to me

There's no such thing as too much money

'Cause, if I had it all I would spend on you, honey

Time on your hands, baby, I can take it off ya, let me take it off ya

'Cause, I'm love drunk

Sipping on your kiss

A little too much and I can't get enough

Like too much shine in a diamond rain, there's no such thing

There ain't no such thing

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