I'm determined to find the key so I open the door
It's a path to the unknown, my mind and something much more
Darkness swallows me as I walk further away from it all
The tunnels keep on going deep and deeper into these walls, into these walls
Deep and deeper I go, into the mountain doors
The crystals guide my walk towards the blue glow
And deeper I go, the earthy wind is raw
I touch the final door and see the shining hall!
Then I enter the massive hall filled with shimmering stones
In the centre of it all I see a crystal clear pond
heart - coração
tunnels - túneis
guide - guia
friend - amigos
meeting - encontro
their - deles
determined - determinado
streams - córregos
going - indo
depths - profundidades
shining - brilhando
deeper - deeper
found - encontrado
inner - interior
towards - em direção
walls - paredes
earthy - terreno
below - abaixo
crystals - cristais
enter - entrar
doors - portas
strong - forte
beast - fera
darkness - trevas
lying - deitado
creatures - criaturas
something - alguma coisa
further - mais distante
unknown - desconhecido
final - final
touch - tocar
clear - claro
filled - preenchidas
kingdom - reino
massive - maciço
mountain - montanha
rocks - pedras
shimmering - cintilante
shiny - brilhante
sleeping - dormindo
sleeps - dorme
water - agua
stones - pedras
centre - centro
swallows - andorinhas
crystal - cristal
these - estes
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