Rejoice, for tonight it is a world that we bury!
Have you beheld the darkness sitting upon the earth
Overshadowing the wind rose, lost in the smoke?
Thus many went astray at once
The others wandered hazardously through endless mazes
The rays of the sun whisper of a newborn fright
And very few horrors in the world could match in terror
The cruelty of that frozen caress and its fragrant secret in blossom
worlds - os mundos
world - mundo
whisper - sussurro
water - agua
wanes - marnujesz podróż.
wandered - vagou
vilest - mais vil
tongues - línguas
these - estes
whilst - enquanto
their - deles
terror - terror
solitary - solitário
remains - permanece
rejoice - alegrar
ravens - corvos
smoke - fumaça
promise - promessa
endless - sem fim
shades - tons
earth - Terra
stumbles - tropeçar
drops - gotas
divine - divino
waste - desperdício
desert - deserto
fragrance - fragrância
substance - substância
drawn - desenhado
darkness - trevas
silence - silêncio
astray - desviado
other - de outros
croak - croak
among - entre
belies - desmente
blossom - flor
facing - voltado para
filled - preenchidas
caress - carícia
covenant - pacto
fright - susto
marshes - pântanos
beheld - beheld
tonight - esta noite
pestilence - peste
could - poderia
bleak - sombrio
amidst - no meio de
secret - segredo
aborted - abortado
breathed - respirou
fragrant - perfumado
frightful - espantoso
frozen - congeladas
ghost - fantasma
glowing - brilhante
hopeful - esperançoso
horrors - horrores
odours - odores
through - através
others - outras
ignis - ignis
sitting - sentado
licking - lamber
plains - planícies
cruelty - crueldade
loses - perde
permeates - permeia
match - partida
mazes - labirintos
newborn - recém nascido
overshadowing - ofuscando
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