rain fell hard

chalk it up to a failure.

push through the cold weather.

racing heart,

slow the beat,

push through the defeat.

no one knows,

just push through the deadbeats,

junkies, liars and cutthroats.

the same walk, the same pier.

no one's going to remember him here.

"just walk until you reach those long steel tracks."

years - anos
where - onde
memories - recordações
familiar - familiar
history - história
lines - linhas
junkies - viciados
match - partida
heart - coração
going - indo
tracks - trilhas
giving - dando
stranger - desconhecido
knows - sabe
comes - vem
again - novamente
still - ainda
defeat - derrota
chalk - giz
crossed - cruzou
borders - fronteiras
deadbeats - deadbeats
remember - lembrar
miles - milhas
rivalry - соперничество
every - cada
failure - falha
cutthroats - assassinos
money - dinheiro
sting - picada
passed - passado
racing - competindo
rails - trilhos
reach - alcance
liars - mentirosos
rushed - apressado
relief - alívio
rivers - rios
rolled - rolou
skips - salta
steel - aço
those - essa
through - através
train - trem
until - até
state - estado
trees - árvores
weather - clima

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