"there's no place for me."
a man of nowhere,
a man of black heart
from the dead end streets.
"regret runs through me.
i am no one, i am nothing,
i am a man of defeat. what's left for me?
whats left for me?"
he thought of those open roads,
his mother praying alone,
that vagrant anthem and the field sung hymns,
the cowardice forever following him.
"what's left, what's left for me?
the world has turned it's back on me.
there's no place for me."
a sullen walk to the chapel stairs.
wicked - perverso
white - branco
western - ocidental
vagrant - vagabundo
unwanted - indesejados
under - sob
turned - virou
through - através
thought - pensamento
those - essa
steeple - campanário
cowardice - covardia
defeat - derrota
blessed - abençoado
clasp - fecho
chapel - capela
father - pai
horrible - horrível
alone - sozinho
begins - começa
could - poderia
count - contagem
fleet - frota
whats - o que é
brass - latão
heart - coração
field - campo
fears - medos
sermon - sermão
following - segue
anthem - hino
absolution - absolvição
nowhere - lugar algum
carves - esculpe
hymns - hinos
black - preto
brother - irmão
brings - traz
forgiven - perdoado
nothing - nada
hands - mãos
killed - morto
changed - mudou
streets - ruas
mother - mãe
kneel - ajoelhar
place - lugar, colocar
sullen - mal-humorado
forever - para sempre
judgment - julgamento
praying - rezar
found - encontrado
redeemed - resgatado
rings - argolas
roads - estradas
world - mundo
regret - arrepender
stairs - escadas
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