"Stare through me"

Eyes burning

"Stare through me

I see you giving up your hand"

Eyes burning

Into the back of his head

Aces hidden up sleeves of cheaters, liars and thieves

Dealer folding a straight

And debtor flushing

Drag him kicking out the back

Struggling hands around his neck

"Can’t fool me

Or hide from me"

Wrapping fists around his head

Lessons learned or common sense

"Can't cheat death or hide from it"

wrapping - invólucro
while - enquanto
tracks - trilhas
thieves - ladrões
tells - conta
struggling - lutando
straight - direto
through - através
sinking - afundando
sleeves - mangas
sheathe - embainhar
flushing - rubor
fists - punhos
enough - suficiente
tearing - rasgando
debts - dívidas
death - morte
lessons - lições
blood - sangue
coward - covarde
concrete - concreto
trench - trincheira
rattling - chacoalhando
debtor -
pistol - pistola
pockets - bolsos
switchblade - canivete
spilling - derramando
shining - brilhando
rising - aumentar
broken - partido
walking - caminhando
drown - afogar
cheaters - traidores
beaten - espancado
dealer - revendedor
around - por aí
learned - aprendido
burning - queimando
ending - final
hands - mãos
cheat - enganação
veins - veias
ground - chão
common - comum
folding - dobrando
giving - dando
pressed - pressionado
kicking - chutando
shallow - raso
stare - olhar fixamente
knees - joelhos
liars - mentirosos
making - fazer
walks - anda em
along - ao longo
memories - recordações
hidden - escondido
plotting - plotagem
reach - alcance
river - rio
drink - beber
sense - sentido
turning - giro
bridge - ponte
shake - mexe
shaking - tremendo

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