roll on through to the other side of town.

passed the quarry, the river beds,

over bridges and bunker sheds.

roll on through to the pits and the rail car yard.

"this is where you prove your worth."

a brother's dare, that devil's smirk.

"oh, this is the way it will always be."

a kid brother in the shadows of a cold heart's legacy.

"oh, this is where we see who runs first.

it's you and me and the train.

the steel tracks and the dirt.

oh, you can never live up to me."

and so he stood trembling,

yellow - amarelo
where - onde
trees - árvores
train - trem
tracks - trilhas
topples - derruba
legacy - legado
through - através
waiting - esperando
ground - chão
think - pensar
everything - tudo
timber - madeira
river - rio
elder - mais velho
dodge - esquivar
before - antes
racing - competindo
coward - covarde
fucking - fodendo
closer - mais perto
passed - passado
adolescent - adolescente
worth - que vale a pena
above - acima
beneath - abaixo
never - nunca
belly - barriga
always - sempre
bridges - pontes
stood - ficou
smirk - sorrir
rumbling - rumbling
first - primeiro
prove - provar
bunker - bunker
trembling - tremendo
rivalry - соперничество
could - poderia
quarry - pedreira
rolls - rolos
sheds - galpões
questions - questões
ignore - ignorar
quiet - quieto
rails - trilhos
thoughts - pensamentos
shadows - sombras
smoke - fumaça
other - de outros
sound - som
steadfast - firme
engine - motor
steam - vapor
brother - irmão
steel - aço

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