January, 1962

He awoke in a cold sweat

to those old sounds of heartbreak.

his brother at his side screaming

"this isn't your fight".

but that rush took over his head

and he came to his mother's side.

and he found himself alone with that devil rambling.

"oh, well the money's all gone

and she can't pay the rent with that needle in her arm."

he clenched his fists.

"what did she ever do to you,

but raise us by herself

when you were too drunk to come through?"

years - anos
washed - lavado
wanted - procurado
unpaid - não remunerado
trading - negociação
tombstone - lápide
those - essa
swing - balanço
stepped - pisou
through - através
sounds - soa
drunk - bêbado
debts - dívidas
night - noite
cried - chorou
father - pai
expect - espero
kissed - beijou
brother - irmão
needle - agulha
blood - sangue
another - outro
caught - apanhado
heartbreak - desgosto
counter - contador
again - novamente
empty - vazio
january - janeiro
nerve - nervo
alone - sozinho
thing - coisa
across - através
awoke - despertou
fists - punhos
blows - golpes
fight - luta
breath - respiração
boiled - fervido
bookies - bookies
forgiver - perdoador
clenched - cerrado
found - encontrado
devil - diabo
friend - amigos
spiteful - rancoroso
gambling - jogos de azar
stare - olhar fixamente
grabbed - agarrou
rambling - divagar
hands - mãos
raise - levantar
herself - ela mesma
sweat - suor
least - pelo menos
mother - mãe
never - nunca
himself - ele mesmo
screaming - gritando

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