Tell me something

Have we escaped?

Are we just lost?

The mirrors taunting us against the walls

We are running across the grid

Chasing honey and closing in

We're bound together

In neon tape

I taste in your mouth

We hang upside down

We are gliding above the planes

Dripping honey that prances through our veins

Beyond the gates

Outside the grid

We follow in your grace

writhe - contorcer
veins - veias
underground - subterrâneo
trying - tentando
gates - portões
frozen - congeladas
mouth - boca
shiny - brilhante
glowing - brilhante
drift - deriva
prances - prances
someday - algum dia
clouds - Nuvens
candy - doces
follow - segue
together - juntos
escaped - escapou
above - acima
trance - transe
grace - graça
beneath - abaixo
gliding - deslizando
against - contra
walls - paredes
upside - parte de cima
floating - flutuando
planes - aviões
trees - árvores
bound - limite
drowning - afogamento
break - pausa
across - através
dripping - gotejamento
nothing - nada
chasing - perseguindo
thrown - jogado
closing - fechando
taste - gosto
create - crio
fruits - frutas
honey - mel
rushing - correndo
watch - assistir
something - alguma coisa
hymns - hinos
mirrors - espelhos
outside - lado de fora
running - corrida
serpents - serpentes
shouted - gritou
taunting - provocando
these - estes
beyond - além
sinking - afundando
through - através

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