Hey princess lay back in your chair

Show us your geometry, see if I stare

Pink cigarette, white see-through dress

and a black and gold veil

Ornate headdress, my temptress

Wield your staff and your grail

Vows, secrets, wake me when

It's my turn to walk through

Caught deep in your every curve

Primed and ready for battle

Lift your veil now formulate

With the sound by yourself

As her words draw you in

Our faith reconnects

And our hearts they collapse

At the words

Now come to me in your glitz and your glam

words - palavras
white - branco
watch - assistir
through - através
temptress - tentadora
walls - paredes
staff - funcionários
eater - comedor
chair - cadeira
trapped - preso
creatures - criaturas
commit - cometer
wrapped - embrulhado
behold - contemplar
place - lugar, colocar
collapse - colapso
yourself - você mesmo
battle - batalha
stare - olhar fixamente
curve - curva
caught - apanhado
around - por aí
circle - círculo
enlightened - iluminado
relate - relacionar
cigarette - cigarro
dress - vestir
ready - pronto
blank - em branco
believe - acreditam
belong - pertencer
every - cada
glitz - brilho
faith - fé
formulate - formular
heart - coração
black - preto
sound - som
featured - destaque
ankles - tornozelos
geometry - geometria
grail - grail
guide - guia
headdress - toca
hearts - corações
grace - graça
breather - respiradouro
snake - serpente
intake - ingestão
being - ser
reconnects -
ornate - ornamentado
wield - manejar
princess - princesa
prism - prisma
primed - preparado
relax - relaxar
secrets - segredos

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