I carve my name

Across your towns

When I'm set

Cut inside before

The trends begin

I spend my time perfecting

Waves of contrast

Cutting out all

The same shit I've outgrown

I'm bringing it in style myself

You know it is with ease no sweat

waves - ondas
watch - assistir
sweat - suor
style - estilo
cutting - corte
across - através
perfecting - aperfeiçoando
special - especial
contrast - contraste
carve - esculpir
before - antes
prepare - preparar
bringing - trazendo
couture - couture
trend - tendência
kingdoms - reinos
myself - eu mesmo
towns - cidades
begin - início
inside - dentro
crowns - coroas
forget - esqueço
friends - amigos
heart - coração
trends - tendências
spend - gastar
designed - projetado
outgrown - superado
strings - cordas

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