That old picture frame keeps hangin' 'round

Cause' I ain't ready yet to take it down

But every now and then I'll slam the door

Shake it loose and she'll hit the floor

But I can't throw a good thing away

I wish it would break

I swear my trucks got a haunted radio

Cause' I hear you in every song

But I know what the silence makes

Me do

So I keep givin' those buttons more abuse

I wonder how much punchin' it can take

wonder - maravilha
where - onde
wrapped - embrulhado
trucks - caminhões
though - apesar
those - essa
still - ainda
silence - silêncio
thing - coisa
shake - mexe
decided - decidiu
could - poderia
swear - jurar
chorus - coro
buttons - botões
would - seria
keeps - mantém
chain - cadeia
around - por aí
yesterday - ontem
abuse - abuso
throw - lançar
break - pausa
radio - rádio
ready - pronto
every - cada
bound - limite
heart - coração
floor - chão
frame - quadro, armação
haunted - assombrada
makes - faz com que
longer - mais longo
loose - solto
picture - cenário
right - certo

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