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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Dreidel - Don McLean

Dreidel - Don McLean

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

feel like a spinning top or a Dreidel

The spinning don't stop when you leave the cradle

You just slow down

Round and around the world you go

Spinning through the lives of the people you know

We all slow down

How you gonna keep on turning from day to day?

How you gonna keep from turning your life away?

No days you can borrow, no time you can buy.

No trust in tomorrow. It's a lie.

And I feel like I'm dippin' and divin'.

My sky shoes are spiked with lead heels.

I'm lost in this star car I'm drivin'.

But my air sole keeps pushin' big wheels.

My world is a constant confusion.

My mind is prepared to attack.

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