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Letra e tradução (ao clicar) da música Genesis - Don McLean

Genesis - Don McLean

Letras de músicas
palavras para memorizar

In the beginning there was nothingness and God but waved his hand

And from the endless void there sprang the beauty of the land

And high above the canyon walls the diamond stars were new

And breezes blew from nothingness and herbs and grasses grew

And silent creatures roamed the Earth and multiplied their kind

And man was but a molecule that God had left behind.

We have grown we have grown, we have captured the throne

Of the kingdom God made for our winning.

We have grown we have grown, but our children alone

Have so little time left for beginning.

And mountains sprang and chaos rang the overture of life

And rivers coursed the twisted blade of natures sharpest knife

And cut beneath the rolling dales a gateway to the sea

While tidal waves and mighty gales were heard in symphony

And sunshine fell upon the waves and warmed the virgin land

And from the mud a drop of blood was left upon the sand.

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